Instructor: Simone Gabriellini
The goal of this introductory course is to provide students with basic foundations of the Python language, mainly in terms of data types and structures, functions and classes, error handling and conditional programming.

Instructor: Simone Gabriellini
The goal of this advanced course is to show how to handle research data using Python: from cleaning data (including different strategies to handle missing ones), to visualise data, run clustering algorithm and EFA on data, plus run statistical tests to control hypotheses. We will deal with both survey data and network data.

Instructor: Vincenzo Luise
This crash course aims to offer theoretical and practical resources for studying social and cultural formations across online social networks and digital platforms.
The theoretical reflections on the datafication of contemporary society will guide participants through a hands-on approach to the study of the digital society. In doing that, this course will provide a general understanding of the digital ethnography paradigm in social research, introducing the participants to some basic definitions, theoretical and methodological perspectives and a set of ‘digitally native’ tools designed for social research in online social environments.

Instructor: Federico Vegetti
The goal of this course is to provide students with a working knowledge of the software R. Students are shown how to use R for a variety of operations, including: efficient data management, some basic statistical analyses (e.g. frequencies, linear regression), and data visualization.
By the end of the course students will be able to read and write code in the R language, and will have a solid foundation on which to expand their R skills independently for their own needs.

Instructor: Matteo Casiraghi
The goal of this course is to acquaint students
to the most recent innovations about discourse and rhetorical political
By the end of the course, students will be able
to work independently with various political rhetorical analysis tools,
creating and testing their own hypotheses about various topics in Comparative
Politics and International Relations

Instructor: Matteo Casiraghi
The goal of this course is to acquaint students to the novel method of Bayesian Process Tracing.
By the end of the course, students will be able to work independently with Bayesian Process Tracing, creating and testing their own hypotheses about various topics in Comparative Politics and International Relations.

Instructor: Davide Beraldo
Just few lines of context to give an outline of this crash course. These 10h video lessons provide an introduction to “networks” in a broad sense of the term. As you will see, and repeat throughout the lectures, I focus on both the standard “social network analysis” approach (mostly rooted in quantitative sociology and complexity science), as well as what I refer to as “network exploration” (mostly rooted in qualitative and visual approaches in the humanities and media studies). In both cases, specific emphasis is placed on their application and epistemological relation to digital media data, although most of the notions and procedures introduced go behind this specific type of data.
The course have both a theoretical / epistemological and a practical / methodological component.
For how much we are often eager to learn “to do stuff”, I believe that having solid conceptual foundations is fundamental in order to develop more practical skills. I also realized that teaching how “to do stuff” is much easier when interactivity and co-presence is possible. Nonetheless, I hope that the video lectures and the “practical” tutorials will provide you with enough foundations to, eventually, strengthen your skills with practice (as well as complementary tutorial available on the web;) - and that they will seduce you to the magic world of networks.

Instructor: Leonce Roth
Organizzational issues
- Every session is recorded on video is 30 to 90 minutes long;
- Every session starts with a short summary of what has been learned in the previous sessions;
- Every session concludes with a summary of the key takeaways;
- In order to acquire credit points, a final exam will be held. It consist of 5 multiple choice questions (the test is passed with three true replies)

Instructor: Andrea Cassani
Objective This is an introductory course to political science, available for master students enrolled in Economics and Political Science (EPS) and Global Politics and Society (GPS). The course consists of ten meetings. During each meeting, a specific political science topic will be discussed.
Topics1. A science of politics?
2. Political regimes
3. Democracy and democratization
4. Electoral systems
5. Parties
6. Party systems
7. Governments
8. Institutional veto players
9. Models of democracy
10. Public policies

Instructor: Francesco Molteni - Giulia Dotti Sani
Objective The course provides the basic tools for typesetting using LATEX in ten video lessons. It offers a general overview of the LATEX typesetting environment, illustrates the pros and cons of its use and introduces the basic commands to compile articles and presentations. The course also offers students the opportunity to get hands-on experience with the language using Overleaf. It is recommended that students watch the videos in the proposed order as the course follows an incremental logic.
Intended audience The course is open to all audiences but is tailored to the needs of young scholars approaching their academic career, such as master students (COM), doctoral students (NASP), and post-docs.
Long term learning package The course offers a package of “takehome” material that includes ten videos covering the most commonly used LATEX commands, each accompanied by an ancillary video with a worked example. The package also includes all LATEX code used in the videos and additional pdf documentation on LATEX. The course will be made permanently available online through SPS, COM and NASP channels.