Short course description and program

The course addresses issues concerning political legitimacy in societies characterized by the presence of conflicting claims and moral views. The course is divided into two units:

  • UNIT 1 (Prof. Pasquali) focuses on the notion of conflict, its dynamics and its implications for politics and for political philosophy. It also provides insights concerning the various approaches and strategies available to tackle conflict and tools to comparatively assess them

  • UNIT 2 (Prof. Favara) addresses questions concerning political legitimacy and political obligation

Please, check this link for the complete program of the course, with details about the methods of assessment and exams for the two units.

Timetable and venue

Classes start Monday September 18th, and they are organized according to the followin schedule:

  • Monday 14:30-16:30 (UNIT 1)
  • Tuesday 16:30-18:30 (UNIT 1)
  • Wednesday 12:30-16:30 (UNIT 2)

Classes are held in one of the University's buidling located in via Pace 10, third floor, Room E (MAP).

The syllabi for each unit are available in their dedicated section on this website (see below).

Website organization

For information and updates specific to each unit , please, check the dedicated sections of this website:

The course aims at introducing the students to the moral and political values prominent in the Western tradition. A selection of values (such as dignity, respect, liberty, autonomy, equality, fairness, solidarity and patriotism) and issues connected with them will be presented and analyzed in order to teach the students how to recognize when they are at stake, when they conflict with each other and how to critically assess the possible solutions and policies dealing with these values. At the end of the course, the students must be able to evaluate social and political issues in the light of the main moral and political values and to envisage the justification for the choices concerning them.