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Welcome to the MERGEDLink Inter-semester Workshop – a preparatory course for all MERGED students about to work on their master thesis.

The course takes place at one of the MERGED partner universities for three days between the first and second semesters in the second year of study. It includes preparation before arrival, lectures, exercises, and feedback from peers and senior faculty members.

The course begins with reading at home, preparation of a draft thesis synopsis, and subsequent workshop efforts to develop the drafts. All students will work with their own draft synopsis and receive feedback, as well as provide feedback to other students.

Complementing the readings in this workshop are the MERGED Standardised Thesis Supervision Guidelines and the Thesis Writing Handbook for MERGED Master Students. These documents detail – among other topics – when and how the supervisor should be engaged at each institution. The table below provides you with an overview of the standardised thesis flow.

The course is planned and taught by a team of faculties from the University of Milan (Italy), the University of Warsaw (Poland), and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). Most likely, you will have interactions with all the participating Teaching Team members. We look forward to meeting you in class and contributing to the development of your draft thesis synopsis.

During this course, we will discuss various aspects of preparing thesis work. Given the diversity of theses, these topics will vary from student to student, ranging from doing literature reviews to designing data collection and planning for data analysis.