
The course presents the theoretical foundations, the methodologies, and the technologies of artificial intelligence for information and knowledge processing. In particular, the course will present the main approaches: neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computing.



Theoretical foundation and practical use of the main computational intelligence approaches (neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computing).


- Neural networks: Definitions. Neurons: structures, perceptrons, Multi-layered feed-forward networks. Self-organizing Maps. Hopfield networks. Radial Basis Functions networks, Support Vector Machines. Feed-back networks. Deep Learning networks. Learning: supervised, unsupervised. Performance. Optimization. Classification and clustering. Prediction. Function approximation.

- Fuzzy logic and systems: Fuzzy sets. Membership functions. Fuzzy rules. Defuzzification. Fuzzy reasoning. Fuzzy systems. Rough sets. Performance.

- Evolutionary computing: Genomic representation. Fitness functions. Selection. Genetic algorithms. Genetic programming. Evolutionary programming. Evolutionary strategies. Differential evolution. Swarm intelligence. Artificial immune systems.


Suggested background knowledge:

Fundamental concepts of computer science, computer programming, mathematics (discrete and continuous).



R. Kruse, C. Borgelt, C. Braune, S. Mostaghim, M. Steinbrecher
Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction
Springer, 2016



Written test

- 3 essay questions on all topics covered by the course

- high-level questions

- sufficient grade requires sufficient answers to all questions

- maximum time: 2h



Prof. Angelo Genovese

email: angelo.genovese@unimi.it

tel: 02-503-16249

office: Dept. Computer Science, via Celoria 18, Milano, 6th floor, room 6002

meeting: by appointment taken by email