The course has two main goals: 1) to promote a deep understanding of the computational structure of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodology; 2) to apply this methodology to evaluate the sustainability of materials and processes. In pursuing these goals, special attention will be paid to the definition and construction of systems of environmental impact indicators to be used in the assessment procedure. A consistent portion of the course will be devoted to the application of the LCA methodology to representative real life cases. Exercise sessions will be mainly quantitative; no specific numerical skills are required.

1. Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Thinking: historical background, regulation, procedures, applications. Calculation methodology, databases and technical software. Sustainability assessment: introductory concepts.

2. Ecoindicators: pollutant diffusions in the environment, measurement methods, environmental and damage impact category, impact quantification, energetic approach.

3. Industrial processes for materials productions: case studies (i.e. cement, polymeric materials, metallic materials and ceramic materials).

4. Materials End-of-Life: open and closed-loop recycling, re-use, waste-to-energy process, waste management processes.

5. S-LCA

6. LCC